Michael Mason, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®
Concern over the Coronavirus has not only rattled world stock and bond markets it has disrupted daily activities we have taken for granted for years. Although we believe as most do, that this will subside in the near future, we want to be proactive in our response. We have a recovery plan in place for most anticipated disruptions to normal business such as electric grid issues, internet down, and evacuation inland to avoid the brunt of hurricane or others acts of nature. We have decided to create response plan due to the uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID 19) and any similar occurrence in the future. Please note that our entire team is currently healthy with no signs of cold or flu like symptoms. If one of our team shows symptoms of flu or virus they will be encouraged to seek medical attention immediately.
Clients have the following options for strategy meetings.
- In office
- Telephone
- Video conference with web camera and screen share capabilities.
In the unlikely event that we are forced to quarantine or cease normal operations:
- Normal business hours will be held in a closed office environment with no direct client physical contact.
- We will continue to respond to your emails and phone calls in accordance with our normal business practices.
- Your money will be accessible. If you have not already done so, we recommend putting an Advisor Authorization for distributions on file for each account with your banking information so that you will not need to sign a form.
- We will communicate frequently through our blog post and mass emails.
- Paperwork that can be completed via e-signature will be completed by e-signature.
We hope and pray this will end up being a controllable rather insignificant event in the scheme of things but want you to have the confidence to know we are prepared to continue to conduct business.
Along with the fear for our health and that of our neighbors, we have had to deal with a stock market that looks more like a roller coaster ride at Busch Gardens. Clients of Mason & Associates are better prepared for such market turmoil than most. Retirees have defined benefit pensions along with Social Security income that meet or exceed their monthly needs. Your investments are diversified within your agreed upon risk tolerance, and the strategic, dynamic and tactical portfolios managed by SEM Wealth Management are operating as planned. Most importantly, as clients of Mason & Associates you have a comprehensive financial plan in place and the recent volatility doesn’t impact your long term financial planning goals. Don’t let market volatility and emotions derail your financial plan.
Please keep in mind the media can be your worst enemy during trying times. When seeing or hearing references to the “biggest point drop in history” please keep in mind that when the indexes are at the highest levels in history it goes without saying that movement in any direction has the potential to be the “biggest ever!”
We will dedicate the next radio show (Tuesday 3-17-20 @ 6:00 pm) to answering questions on this volatility and how our portfolios are adjusting to it. Jeff Hybiak, Senior Portfolio Manager, from SEM Wealth Management will join Michael Mason and Tommy Blackburn as host for the evening. Feel free to call the show live with any questions or send your questions in advance of the show to masonassociatesllc@cfiemail.com.
Please contact our office to schedule a phone call or in person meeting with your advisor to address any questions or concerns. Our team will make sure your call or meeting is scheduled quickly. Scheduling return phone calls and appointments allows the advisory team adequate time to prepare and provides for dedicated time for your advisor to focus on your financial plan. Thank you for your trust and confidence. Together we will continue to monitor your financial plan and ensure that it remains on track.