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Seed vs. Sod (Do-it-yourself or hire a professional)


John Mason, CFP®, discusses the value of a financial planner with the analogy of planting seed vs laying sod. Is it better to do-it-yourself or hire a professional?

About the Episode:
• Planting seed to grow grass is cheaper but you must do-it-yourself
• Laying sod to grow grass is more expensive but instantly gratifying
• Planting seed and laying sod may have the same result in the near term
• However, proper maintenance is required to keep a healthy lawn
• Hiring a qualified Financial Planner gives you the sod experience with built-in maintenance for life


John Mason, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER at Mason and Associates, discusses the difference between using grass seed and sod to illustrate the importance of hiring a financial planning team like Mason and Associates. He explains that while DIY efforts can work, they may be more stressful and less effective in the long run compared to professional guidance. John highlights the ongoing maintenance required for both a successful lawn and a successful financial plan. He suggests finding a CFP® who specializes in one's specific needs, speaks their language, and can add substantial value to their finances. John concludes by encouraging viewers to consider seeking professional help if they are DIYers or feeling anxious about market downturns.



Chapter 1: Introduction to Mason and Associates YouTube Channel

  • Timestamp: 00:10-01:53
  • John Mason introduces himself as the president and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER of Mason and Associates.
  • The channel aims to provide educational and informational content while empowering, motivating, and inspiring viewers.
  • Clarifies that the channel's content should not be implemented without considering one's own financial plan and hiring a financial planner.

Chapter 2: Unique Approach to Financial Planning

  • Timestamp: 01:53-06:14
  • John explains the unique aspects of their channel and financial planning approach.
  • Emphasizes their expertise in serving federal employees and their real-world experience.
  • Highlights the emotional connection they aim to establish with viewers.
  • Expresses gratitude for the support and discusses the potential benefits for viewers, clients, and future financial planners.

Chapter 3: Grass Seed or Sod: Different Experiences

  • Timestamp: 06:14-04:01
  • John shares a personal experience with grass seed and sod in his backyard.
  • Describes the unpleasant experience of using grass seed and the pleasant experience of using sod.
  • Relates the grass seed and sod experiences to financial planning and being a DIYer.

Chapter 4: Financial Planning Experience

  • Timestamp: 04:01-09:24
  • Discusses the importance of a financial planning team and suggests hiring Credentialed financial planners.
  • Emphasizes the need for a plan, regular meetings, and ongoing maintenance to ensure a successful financial plan.
  • Highlights the value a financial planning team can add by providing tangible benefits, saving on taxes, and helping with various aspects of financial planning.

Chapter 5: Action Points for Viewers

  • Timestamp: 09:24-13:23
  • Encourages viewers to reflect on the video and consider the action points.
  • Suggests that DIYers should evaluate their knowledge and decide if they need professional assistance.
  • Advises caution regarding investment opportunities during bad markets.
  • Emphasizes the importance of the maintenance phase in financial planning and the need to update the estate plan when necessary.

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Call to Action

  • Timestamp: 13:23-13:25
  • John concludes the video by thanking viewers and inviting them to like, subscribe, and visit Mason and Associates' website.